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Push Chair Reviews

Jogger Push Chair

Anna Igonina
Verified ownerVerified owner

Good afternoon!
Our family is buying this stroller with Peder and Global Carehab not for the first time (the stroller has been stolen, no wonder). The help we got from Peder was great: always prompt reply, treatment of the request and timely shipment. The strollers arrived always in perfect condition, well packed. The stroller itself is easy to assemble and absolutely pleasure to use. I’ve been asked by strangers many times where to buy such a stroller, hopefully they used my recommendations to contact Peder and this website. The price is also good if compared to what strollers and at what price been offered at the market. Thank you Peder and the team, you do our life easier!

4 years ago
Добрый день! Большое спасибо за коляску которую я покупал для своего сына! Спасибо Педеру за быстрое и качественное обслуживание! В прошлый раз коляска быстро доехала до Казахстана но Казпочта задержала))) пришлось ехать в пригород и заберать со склада. Коляска просто супер, сыну очень комфортно. Коляска Jogger for special needs маневренная, легкая в складывании, а самое главное сыну удобно и комфортно, советую своим друзьям с особеными детьми. С Уважением Димаш!
Google Translated
Good afternoon! Thank you very much for the stroller I bought for my son! Thanks to Peder for the quick and quality service! Last time, the stroller quickly reached Kazakhstan but Kazpost delayed))) had to go to the suburbs and pick up from the warehouse. The stroller is just super, my son is very comfortable. Stroller Jogger for special needs manoeuvrable, easy to fold, and most importantly, my son is convenient and comfortable, I advise my friends with special children. Sincerely, Dimash!
11 years ago
Vadym Chyzhov
Vadym Chyzhov
Ми були приємно здивовані ефективністю та професіоналізмом менеджерів в інтернет-магазині GlobalCareHab. Прогулянкова коляска, яку ми замовили, приїхала в Україну всього за кілька днів за один шматок (що не характерно для Української пошти Office). І ціна була навіть нижчою, ніж якщо ми купуватимемо її безпосередньо в США. Крім того, Педер допоміг нам підготувати всі необхідні документи, щоб мінімізувати митну бюрократію тут, в Україні. Велике спасибі!
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We were pleasantly surprised by the efficiency and professionalism of managers in the online store GlobalCareHab. Stroller, which we ordered, came to Ukraine in just a few days in one piece (which is not typical of the Ukrainian Post Office ). And the price was even lower than if we would purchase it directly from the U.S. In addition, Peder helped us to prepare all necessary documents in order to minimize the customs bureaucracy here in Ukraine. Thank you very much!
12 years ago
Dimash Rostov
Семья из Алматы, Казахстан. Хороший сервис, заказал коляску для сына, ребенка инвалида. Так как обычные коляски быстро ломаются искали что то надежное и качественное. Друзья посоветовали купить данную коляску Jogger for special needs. Советую всем у кого есть дети инвалиды данную коляску. Помогите узнать знакомым о данном сайте.
Google Translated
Family from Almaty, Kazakhstan. Good service, I ordered a stroller for my son, a disabled child. Since ordinary strollers quickly break looking for something reliable and high quality. Friends advised me to buy this Jogger for special needs stroller. I advise everyone who has children with disabilities this stroller. Help your friends know about this site.
12 years ago
Pyatov Eermenko
Family from Moscow
Отличный оперативный сервис. Начиная от процесса выбора товара и заканчивая получением посылки в почтовом отделении. Имеется возможность запросить код почтового отправления для последующего отслеживания посылки на сайте датской почты (
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Great operational service. Starting from the product selection process and ending with the receipt of the parcel at the post office. It is possible to request a postal code for subsequent tracking on a Danish postal site (
13 years ago

Delta Jogger for Sitter Seat

Michael Schaft

Michael Schaft

Wir haben den Sitter in Größe 2 nun seit einigen Wochen in Benutzung und sind begeistert. Unser Sohn, 2 Jahre, kann nicht alleine sitzen. Dank des Sitters sitzt er mit uns am Tisch. Wir nutzen den Sitter als Alternative zum sperrigen unhandlichen Therapiestuhl, auf Reisen, für Besuche bei Oma und Opa etc. Die Handhabung ist einfach, der Sitter kann sicher auf jedem Stuhl montiert werden. Eine geniale Erfindung. Endlich mal ein Hilfsmittel, das nicht “typisch behindert” aussieht. Wir haben zudem einen Sitter inkl mobilem Untergestell aus Holz für die Kita gekauft. Auch hier ist es ein voller Erfolg. Unser Sohn ist super integriert und kann auf Augenhöhe der anderen Kinder am kita Leben teilhaben. Danke für die kompetente Beratung!

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We have the sitter in size 2 now in use for several weeks and are thrilled. Our son, 2 years, can not sit alone. Thanks to the sitters, he sits with us at the table. We use the sitter as an alternative to the bulky unwieldy therapy chair, on trips, for visits to grandma and grandpa etc. The handling is simple, the sitter can be safely mounted on every chair. A brilliant invention. Finally an aid that does not look "typically handicapped". We have also bought a sitter incl mobile wooden frame for the day care center. Again, it is a complete success. Our son is super integrated and can share in the kita life at eye level of the other children. Thank you for the competent advice!

5 years ago

EIO Push Chair

Matthieu S-M

Matthieu from France

The only thing I can say is: THANK YOU!!
Thank you Special Tomato for having made such perfect fit products (EIO stroller + Sitter seat)
Thank you Peder L., our Global Carehab contact who was a great help all the time to offer us the best combination of products for our daughter's needs

Coming back on the EIO stroller, we have bought this product because our little girl, 22 months old, 16.5KG and 95cm
was no longer comfortably seated in any stroller on the market in France.
After some long hours searching on the web, we were won over by the characteristics of the EIO on paper.

After a huge number of email exchanges with Peder, we have decided to confirm our order and the least we can say is that we are more than convinced by this stroller.
It has all the advantages of a 'medical' stroller without the inconveniences! And with the Sitter seat, we achieve an unmatched level of comfort for the child.

This brand really worth the try, trust me!!

4 years ago
Ana Soklakova
Анна Соклакова
# 1. Спасибо Вам большое!!!Коляска пришла очень быстро-за неделю!!!Это наша не первая коляска этой фирмы.Качеством очень довольны!!! # 2.Спасибо Вам большое за оперативную доставку!!!!Коляска шла по почте неделю-это очень быстро!!!!Эта коляска у нас уже вторая. Первая активно эксплуатировалась 4 года и сейчас “доживает свой век”.
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# 1. Thank you very much !!! The stroller arrived very quickly in a week! This is not our first stroller of this company. We are very satisfied with the quality! # 2.Thank you very much for the prompt delivery! The first was actively exploited for 4 years and is now “surviving its century.”
9 years ago
ilzīgs Jums paldies.Šodien saņēmām ratiņus,ratiņi ir vienkārši kolosāli.Un protams paldies Peder Lindhardt par lielisko sadarbību.
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Thank you.Today we received the trolley, the trolley is just awesome. And of course thank you Peder Lindhardt for the great cooperation.
10 years ago
Вот и мы стали счастливыми обладателями этой коляски. Коляска – очень хорошая, главное моему ребенку очень удобно в ней. Спасибо большое Peder Lindhardt за отличную работу с клиентами
Google Translated
So we became the happy owners of this stroller. The carriage is very good, the main thing is that my child is very comfortable in it. Thank you very much Peder Lindhardt for the excellent customer service.
11 years ago
Коляска – супер! Она даже больше, чем кажется. Прибыла такая же, как на рисунке. Совсем не выглядит инвалидной и при этом ребенку очень в ней удобно, не сползает, благодаря углу наклона сиденья. Колеса большие и маневренные. Очень порадовала цена и то, что быстро и без проблем мне доставили ее в Украину. Хорошее отношение к клиентам, Очень рада, что Вас нашла.
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The stroller is super! She is even bigger than she seems. Arrived the same as in the picture. Doesn’t look disabled at all and at the same time the child is very comfortable in it, does not slip, thanks to the angle of the seat. The wheels are large and manoeuvrable. I was very pleased with the price and the fact that they delivered it to Ukraine quickly and without problems. Good customer attitude I am very glad that I found you.
12 years ago
Sabina E.
We have recently buy EIO push chair and it is very easy to use and the construction is very good quality.Global Carehab is highly professional and I would honestly recommend their services to anyone who have need for this kind of products.
12 years ago
Коляска-мечта! Легкая, маневренная, стильная! Когда я ее увидела-просто влюбилась! Никогда бы не подумала,что она предназначена для деток с особыми потребностями!Меня в ней устраивает все: и длина - ребенок долго сможет комфортно ездить,чтобы ноги не "свисали", и большие колеса, и угол наклона спинки (можно подобрать любой под ребенка), и боковые вкладки - ребенок "не ездит" в ней летом, а зимой в одежде прекрасно поместится, и угол наклона сидушки-не сползает доченька, и большой капюшон,,и подножка с большим количеством положений, и еще много разных полезностей:) мы также купили подголовник и теперь с удовольствием ездим на прогулку,т.к. положение дочки в коляске очень удобное и правильное!!! И конечно, не могу не отметить стоимость коляски - лучшего сочетания цены-качество я еще не встречала!!!! Спасибо отдельно Peder Lindhardt и всей команде за отличную работу, за консультации и доброе отношение к клиентам!!
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The stroller is a dream! Lightweight, maneuverable, stylish! When I saw her, I just fell in love! I would never have thought that it was designed for children with special needs! Everything suits me: the length - the child will be able to ride comfortably for a long time so that the legs do not "hang down", and large wheels, and the angle of inclination of the back (you can choose any one for the child ), and the side tabs - the child "does not ride" in it in the summer, and in winter it fits perfectly in clothes, and the angle of inclination of the seat does not slide the daughter, and the big hood, and the footboard with a lot of positions, and many other useful things 🙂 we also bought a headrest and now we are happy to ride a pro ulku, unnecessarily. the position of the daughter in the stroller is very convenient and correct !!! And of course, I can not help but note the cost of the stroller - I have not yet met the best combination of price and quality !!!! Thanks to Peder Lindhardt and the whole team for their excellent work, for the advice and good attitude to customers !!
12 years ago

Delta Jogger Terrain

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Seating Reviews

MPS (Multi Position Seating)

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MPS Large – Seat Only

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Recliner Support System

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Sitter Seat only 1-5

Zofia, Denmark
Min oplevelse med tomato sitter er den støtter rigtig godt, og hjælp med at min søn kan holde sig selv, og ikke skal brug vest, det er den beste stol vi har haft. Den er nem at tag med og min søn kan side med ved boret ved at sætte tomatositter på en spisebordstol.
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My experience with Tomato Sitter is that it supports really well, and help my son keep himself upright and not have to wear a vest, it is the best chair we have had. It is easy to carry and my son can sit at the table by putting the seats on a dining table chair.
9 years ago

Franz, Germany

Wir haben vor kurzem den Sitz Gr.3 für unseren Sohn, der wegen einer Tetraspastik nicht allein sitzen kann, gekauft. Wir nutzen den Sitter Seat für unterwegs, zu Gast und auf Reisen. So brauchen wir keinen großen, schweren, unhandlichen Therapiestuhl mitnehmen. Nach mehrmaliger Nutzung sind wir anhaltend sehr zufrieden mit dem Sitter Seat. Die Handhabung ist simpel (Seat wird einfach auf einen Lehnstuhl mit 2 Gurten fixiert. Der Seat ist leicht und gut transportierbar (schade, dass er in Deutschland nicht als Autositz zugelassen ist, dann könnte man sich noch mehr Gepäck auf Reisen sparen!). Die Begurtung ist ebenfalls sehr gut. Also eine deutliche Empfehlung! Und jetzt würde ich ihn gern zum nächsten Kinobesuch mitnehmen, damit wir alle ganz entspannt mal Film gucken können
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We have recently bought the seat size 3 for our son, who can not sit alone because of a tetraspastics. We use the Sitter Seat for traveling, as a guest and traveling. So we do not need a big, heavy, carry unwieldy therapy chair. After repeated use, we are still very satisfied with the Sitter Seat. The handling is simple (Seat is simply fixed on an armchair with 2 straps. The seat is light and easy to transport (a pity that it is not allowed in Germany as a car seat, then you could save even more luggage while traveling!). The birth is also very good. So a clear recommendation! And now I would like to take him to the next cinema, so that we can all watch the movie very relaxed;)
9 years ago
Отличное сидение для особых деток! Моя доченька не сидит,не держит голову и ей противопоказаны физические нагрузки. В этом сидении она комфортно сидит (на попке,не на копчике), спинка ровная , угол сиденья очень комфортный – ножки не сильно подняты,но и ребенок не сползает, и самое главное – дочка не устает в этом сидении! А значит теперь мы с удовольствием передвигаемся по дому и улице и учимся максимально вертикально сидеть – конструкция сиденья позволяет легко менять угол наклона! очень порадовал материал из которого сделано сидение – мягкий и плотный, очень комфортный! вообще, все продумано в этом товаре! В том числе и ремни – сиденье можно прикрепить к простому стулу, к креслу самолета, к коляске – супер удобная вещь для особых деток!
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Great seating for special kids! My daughter does not sit, does not hold her head, and physical activity is contraindicated to her. In this seat, she sits comfortably (on the ass, not on the tailbone), the back is flat, the seat angle is very comfortable – the legs are not raised much, but the child does not slip, and most importantly, the daughter does not get tired in this seat! So now we we move around the house and the street with pleasure and learn to sit as vertically as possible – the seat structure makes it easy change the angle! I was very pleased with the material from which the seat is made – soft and dense, very comfortable! generally all thought out in this product! Including belts – the seat can be attached to a simple chair, to an airplane chair, to a stroller – super handy thing for special kids!
12 years ago
Simon, Holland
Simon, Holland
De stoel is perfect en comfortabel voor mensen die wat extra ondersteuning nodig hebben, mensen die moeten leren rechtop zitten of voor mensen die niet alleen kunnen zitten. De stoel is voorgevormd wat een goede zitondersteuning geeft en werkt anti-stakend tegen de rug en romp wat resulteert in minder complicaties en een betere houding. Wanneer ik op deze stoel plaats, zit ik rechtop in een perfecte rechtopstaande houding zitpositie wat meer zitondersteuning geeft dan op een normale stoel. De sitter kan op de meeste normale stoelen of bureaustoelen worden vastgemaakt. Je kunt het ook op een bank zetten wat ook erg comfortabel is. Omdat de stoel erg zacht is, is hij ook perfect te gebruiken als relaxstoel. De stoel kan vanaf ongeveer 25 graden worden gekanteld. Hiermee kunt u de juiste zitpositie voor uw behoeften kiezen. De stoel heeft een ingebouwde ontvoerder wat een goede beenafscheiding ten goede komt, voor mij niet echt nodig. Verder wordt het geleverd met een 5-punts veiligheidsharnas voor mij ook niet nodig, maar het geeft nog meer zitondersteuning. Het kan worden gebruikt voor een stabiele positionering in de stoel voor mensen die niet alleen kunnen zitten of voor meer veiligheid. Wanneer het niet nodig is, kan het tuigje van de stoel worden verwijderd. Het is niet zo eenvoudig om het harnas te installeren, maar als het is geïnstalleerd het is goed om aan te trekken. Ik heb het harnas getest. Het is zeer comfortabel en past perfect. De kruisriem biedt extra ondersteuning voor de heupen, maar voorkomt dat er niet genoeg in de stoel naar beneden glijdt. Het H-harnas werkt erg goed. Het voorkomt voorover buigen en houdt de gebruiker in een perfecte rechte zitpositie. Conclusie: het is een beetje duur maar een goed ondersteunend en comfortabel hulpmiddel.
Google Translated
Good afternoon! The Seat is perfect and comfortable for people who need some extra support, people who must learn to sit up in a right position or for people who cannot sit on their own. The chair is contoured what gives a good seating support and works anti-thrusting to the back and trunk what result in less complications and better posture. When seating in this seat i sit directly in a perfect upright seating position what gives more seating support as on a normal chair. The sitter can be strapped on most normal chairs or office chairs. You can also put it on a sofa what is also very comfortable. Because the seat is very soft it’s also perfectly usable as a relax chair. The chair can be tilt to around 25 degrees from upright. This allows you to choose the right seating position for your needs. The seat has an build-in abductor what privides good leg separation, for me not really needed. Further it comes with a 5 point safety harness for me also not needed however it gives even more seating support. It can be used for steady positioning in the seat for people who cannot sit on their own or for more safety. When not needed, the harness can be undone from the chair. It’s not so easy to install the harness but when installed it’s esay to put on. I have test the harness. It is very comfortable and fits perfectly. The crotch strap gives extra support for the hips but it prevents not enough from sliding down in the chair. The H-Harness works very well. It prevents to bend forwards and holds the user in a perfect upright seating position. Conclusion: It’s a bit expensive but a good supportive and comfortable tool.
12 years ago


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Seating w. Frame Reviews

MPS – Hi Low

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MPS Large – Push Chair

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MPS Large – Wooden Base

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MPS Small – Push Chair

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MPS Small – Wooden Base

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Sitter Seat with Floor Base

Guido Wissmann
Guido Wissmann, Tyskland
Wir kommen aus Deutschland und haben uns den Sitz zugelegt, damit wir auch mobil die Möglichkeit unser Kind bequem auf jedem x beliebigen Stuhl oder auf der mit gekauften Bodenplatte setzen zu können. So ist unsere Tochter nun auch immer mitten drin, auch wenn wir zu Besuch sind. So müssen wir nicht immer den schweren Rehastuhl oder Reha Kinderwagen mit nehmen. Die Verarbeitung ist TOP, leicht abwaschbar. Durch die 5 jährige Garantie mache ich mir keine Sorgen. Zudem ist der Service von Globalcarehab großartig der so seines gleichen sucht. Wir werden diesen Stuhl nun mit Freude nutzen und kaufen eines Tages auch bestimmt die Nachfolgergröße. Fazit: Für Kinder mit Einschränkungen defenitiv empfehlenswert.
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We are from Germany and have gained our seat, so that we can also mobilize the possibility our child comfortably to be able to sit on any x chair or on the floor panel purchased. So our daughter is always in the middle of it, even when we are visiting. So we do not always have to take the heavy rehab chair or rehab buggy. The workmanship is TOP, easy to wash off. Made by the 5-year warranty I'm not worried. In addition, the service of Globalcarehab is great looking for its equal. We will use this chair now with pleasure and one day will definitely buy the successor size. Conclusion: Definitively recommended for children with restrictions.
8 years ago
Lise Rissbjerg



Vi har for nylig købt dette sæde til vores 3-årige multihandicappede søn og synes at den fungerer perfekt i forskellige situationer. Den største succes har vi haft med at sætte den i en cykeltrailer – han nyder at være med ude at cykle! – og det havde vi ellers opgivet at kunne. Den er også dejlig nem at have med på restaurant eller på besøg hos venner. Derudover har vi planer om at bruge den i flyet næste gang vi skal ud at flyve. Og vi planlægger også at få lavet et lille bord, så han kan sidde på gulvet/jorden og lege. Alt i alt er vi rigtig glade for dette sæde!

Ikke autoriseret køre/flysæde

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We recently purchased this seat for our 3-year-old multi-handicapped son and think it works perfectly in different situations. We have had the greatest success in putting it in a bicycle trailer - he enjoys being out cycling! - and we would otherwise have given up being able to. It is also nice and easy to take to a restaurant or visit friends. In addition, we plan to use it on the plane the next time we go out flying. And we also plan to make a small table so he can sit on the floor / ground and play. All in all, we are really happy with this seat!

Unauthorized driving / flying seat

11 years ago

Sitter Seat with Mobile Wooden Base, Castors

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Sitter Seat with Wooden Base, Stationary feet

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Seating Cushion Reviews

Liner Hip-Flex

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Liner Seat and Back


l'assise est très confortable et peux être emmenée partout..un vrai plaisir maintenant d 'aller en extérieur avec ma fille polyhandicapée de 11 ans.
le service après vente est formidable nous avions un petit soucis et ils ont répondu présent dans la journée avec un superbe geste commercial!
Incroyable et très humain !
Encore un grand merci !

2 years ago

En bra sits att ha med sig vid restaurangbesök eller när du hälsar på hos vänner. Sitsen spänns fast med en rem på en vanlig pinnstol och är avtorkningsbar. Den är av ett ganska tungt material och remmarna som löper under stolen är tunna och har ett ganska vekt spänne. Men sitsen fungerar bra!

2 years ago
Før vi fik sædet var vores dreng meget ukoncentreret og urolig under måltider. Efter vi har fået sædet, sidder han nu stille og roligt.
Sædet har givet ham roen til at fokusere på at spise. Han spiser i øvrigt også mere! Nu kan familien nyde måltider sammen i ro og mag,
det er en fornøjelse! Derudover skal Global Carehab også have en stor tak for en super service! ?
Mor til 4-årig dreng med infantil autisme.
Google Translated
Before getting the seat, our boy was very unconcerned and restless during meals. After we get the seat, he now sits quietly.
The seat has given him the calm to focus on eating. He also eats more! Now the family can enjoy meals together calmly,
it’s a pleasure! In addition, Global Carehab must also have a big thank you for a great service! ?
Mother of 4-year-old boy with infantile autism.
11 years ago

Vakuform Seat & Back

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Seating Cushions – Liners Seat & Back Reviews

Liner Hip-Flex

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Liner Seat and Back


l'assise est très confortable et peux être emmenée partout..un vrai plaisir maintenant d 'aller en extérieur avec ma fille polyhandicapée de 11 ans.
le service après vente est formidable nous avions un petit soucis et ils ont répondu présent dans la journée avec un superbe geste commercial!
Incroyable et très humain !
Encore un grand merci !

2 years ago

En bra sits att ha med sig vid restaurangbesök eller när du hälsar på hos vänner. Sitsen spänns fast med en rem på en vanlig pinnstol och är avtorkningsbar. Den är av ett ganska tungt material och remmarna som löper under stolen är tunna och har ett ganska vekt spänne. Men sitsen fungerar bra!

2 years ago
Før vi fik sædet var vores dreng meget ukoncentreret og urolig under måltider. Efter vi har fået sædet, sidder han nu stille og roligt.
Sædet har givet ham roen til at fokusere på at spise. Han spiser i øvrigt også mere! Nu kan familien nyde måltider sammen i ro og mag,
det er en fornøjelse! Derudover skal Global Carehab også have en stor tak for en super service! ?
Mor til 4-årig dreng med infantil autisme.
Google Translated
Before getting the seat, our boy was very unconcerned and restless during meals. After we get the seat, he now sits quietly.
The seat has given him the calm to focus on eating. He also eats more! Now the family can enjoy meals together calmly,
it’s a pleasure! In addition, Global Carehab must also have a big thank you for a great service! ?
Mother of 4-year-old boy with infantile autism.
11 years ago

Liner Seat and Back For EIO & Jogger

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Soft Seating Cushion Reviews

Potty Seat

Anke Hess
Anke Hees, Germany
Ich habe den Sitz auf der Rehacare 2014 gesehen und anschließend für unseren jetzt 8- jährigen Sohn bestellt, da alle anderen Sitze mittlerweile zu klein für ihn waren .Der Sitz ist stabil, angenehm und warm zum Sitzen, verkleinert die Toilettenöffnung (unser Sohn hat sonst Angst, in die Toilette zu fallen, da er nicht frei stehen kann). Auch schlanke Erwachsene können den Sitz nutzen. Wenn unser Sohn sich an den seitlich angebrachten Griffen festhält, kann er aufstehen bzw.sich nach dem “Hoserunterziehen” alleine hinsetzen.Der Sitz lässt sich einfach reinigen, allerdings bleibt trotzdem nach einiger Zeit eine Gelbfärbung vom Urin am inneren Rand.Das sieht man aber nicht von oben, deshalb finde ich es nicht schlimm.Ich kann den Sitz trotz des stolzen Preises(plus Porto) empfehlen.
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I saw the seat at Rehacare 2014 and then ordered it for our now 8-year-old son, since all other seats were now too small for him. The seat is stable, pleasant and warm to sit, shrinks the toilet opening (otherwise our son is afraid to fall into the toilet because he can not stand free). Even slim adults can use the seat. When our son clings to the side handles, Can he get up or sit down alone after “putting on his pants”? The seat is easy to clean, However, after some time, a yellowing of the urine remains at the inner edge. But you can not see that from above, Therefore, I think it’s not bad. I can recommend the seat despite the proud price (plus postage).
9 years ago

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Toilet and Shower Reviews

Potty Seat

Anke Hess
Anke Hees, Germany
Ich habe den Sitz auf der Rehacare 2014 gesehen und anschließend für unseren jetzt 8- jährigen Sohn bestellt, da alle anderen Sitze mittlerweile zu klein für ihn waren .Der Sitz ist stabil, angenehm und warm zum Sitzen, verkleinert die Toilettenöffnung (unser Sohn hat sonst Angst, in die Toilette zu fallen, da er nicht frei stehen kann). Auch schlanke Erwachsene können den Sitz nutzen. Wenn unser Sohn sich an den seitlich angebrachten Griffen festhält, kann er aufstehen bzw.sich nach dem “Hoserunterziehen” alleine hinsetzen.Der Sitz lässt sich einfach reinigen, allerdings bleibt trotzdem nach einiger Zeit eine Gelbfärbung vom Urin am inneren Rand.Das sieht man aber nicht von oben, deshalb finde ich es nicht schlimm.Ich kann den Sitz trotz des stolzen Preises(plus Porto) empfehlen.
Google Translated
I saw the seat at Rehacare 2014 and then ordered it for our now 8-year-old son, since all other seats were now too small for him. The seat is stable, pleasant and warm to sit, shrinks the toilet opening (otherwise our son is afraid to fall into the toilet because he can not stand free). Even slim adults can use the seat. When our son clings to the side handles, Can he get up or sit down alone after “putting on his pants”? The seat is easy to clean, However, after some time, a yellowing of the urine remains at the inner edge. But you can not see that from above, Therefore, I think it’s not bad. I can recommend the seat despite the proud price (plus postage).
9 years ago

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