Delta Jogger for Sitter Seat

(1 customer review)

2.657,003.119,00 excl. VAT

The Delta Jogger for Sitter Seats is made with a special canvas to accommodate the dimensions of the Sitter Seat, in order to accomplish the same excellent driving skills of a regular Jogger Terrain. The Jogger for Sitter Seats can be equipped with a canopy, rain cover, swivel front wheels or other accessories. Decide on the size of the Delta Frame and the available accessories will appear below.

Product Decisions (Add-Ons)

Sitter Size 2 & 3

Sitter Size 3 & 4

Sitter Size 4 & 5

Sitter colour *

Canopy (Medium)

Canopy (Large)

Canopy (Xlarge)

Rain Cover (Medium)

Rain Cover (Large)

Rain Cover (Xlarge)

Puncture Resistance Wheel

Swivel front wheel

Delta Headrest

Sitter Headrest

Bag for Legs (For legs only)

Bag for Legs (For legs & Hip)

Travelbag (Medium)

Travelbag (Large)

Travelbag (Xlarge)

Bicycle set (Medium)

Bicycle set (Large)

Extra Bracket for Saddle Rod

Beach Wheels

Baloon wheel

Sitter Headrest

Product price
Additional options total:
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The Delta Jogger is build for the great outdoor

The Delta Jogger is rugged and lightweight, therefore the Delta 3-Wheel Special Needs All-Terrain buggy offers outstanding off-road capabilities. A range of sizes suitable for children and adults make woodland walks, beaches and country paths easily accessible. The Delta Jogger converts into a bicycle trailer or a city push chair with swivel front wheels, making it easy to get around and turn in small spaces. The swivel wheels are a great improvement in the work environment for the helpers and caretakers.

We often see the Delta Jogger being used for children and teenagers who need to be shielded and protected from the surroundings, and simply have a safe spot to hide or rest. The diagnoses for users may be Dawn, MD, CP (with special seats) or other diagnoses where rest and shielding are needed.

Product Features / Adjustments

The Delta Jogger push handle is height adjustable for the best comfort of the person pushing it.

Adjustable Push Handle

The Delta Jogger footrest can be folded up and down to support the kids legs while down

Adjustable footrest

The Anti tip is a foldable rod, which secure the delta jogger from tipping over, and parents can now leave the back of the push chair without concern

Anti tip

The Delta Jogger Canopy has a parent window, which provides you to look at your kid and oppperste

Parent window in canopy

The Delta Jogger Is easy foldable and wont take up a lot of space when folded. and can easily be brought with you in the back of your car


The Delta i standard equipped with drum brakes, which provides great brake force.

Drum brake

Product Accessories

Canopy standard and extended

Delta Push Chair Raincover will keep the child safe and dry from rain, hail and snow

Rain Cover

The Delta can the equipped with our swivel wheels which makes it much easier to maneuvre around indoor as you do not have to tilt the push chair to turn

Swivel Front Wheel

ThisDelta Jogger Headrest is good to keep the childs head in a up right position, without it keeping falling from left to right

Delta Headrest

The Bag for legs comes in two different varities, one has a seat while the other one do not have a seat

Bag for legs
Without seat and back

The Bag for legs with seat is great for the cold winters as it is tested to minus 20 degress celcius, so your child wont the cold feet

Bag for legs
With seat and back

The sitter can be fitted with a headrest to keep the users head in a upright position

Sitter Headrest

Delta Jogger has a bicycle set, which can be mounted onto a regular bicycle and allow your child to join you on a ride in the open outside

Bicycle Set

The bicyle backet, which is attached to the bicycle saddle and allows the trailer kit to be towed behind.

Bracket for Bicycle Set

The Delta Jogger has a travelbag which makes it easy to lift and will keep your push chair dirt/dust free if it is not being used

Travel bag

Delta Beachweels is double tires too get more/better traction if you are out in a rough terrain, such as mountains, beach, forrest etc.

Beach Wheels

The Delta Jogger can be equipped with baloon wheel, which perform the best on soft ground such as sand, mud etc.

Balloon Wheels

Upgrade your Delta Sitter

Delta bicycle set

The Delta Sitter can be transformed into a cycle trailer for the Medium and Large Delta. It is quick and easy to convert your Delta into a cycle trailer and attach it behind an adult bike. The kit includes a towing bar that mounts to the saddle post of the bike and the buggy, together with the safety rollover bar for the Delta Jogger. The front wheel is removed to fit the towing bar, and can be stored in the basket and refitted quickly upon arrival at your destination. 
NOTE: Maximum load 45 kg 

Remove the front wheel and mount the bicycle kit as shown below. 

Delta Jogger has a bicycle set, which can be mounted onto a regular bicycle and allow your child to join you on a ride in the open outside
This makes it possible to attach the Delta sitter and Jogger terrain to a bicycle

Place the metal fitting on the flat surface between the round bars. Afterwards push the holes to be aligned with the metal claws

This pin will secure the bicycle trailer conversion kit to the Delta Jogger and Sitter

Push the safety pin through the holes in the metal fitting and the metal claws

This is how the Bicycle conversion kit shall look when its attached to the Delta front

Slide the towing bar through the big metal fitting hole and place the small safety pin on the opposite side to fasten

Attach the towing bar to your bike, and take your child on an enjoyable ride outside.

Delta swivel front wheels

The swivel front wheels can be mounted on the go. Simply remove the front wheel and mount the front swivel wheels with the quick lock. No tools are needed. The exchange can be made with the user in the Jogger as the main weight of the user is located over the rear wheels. Do make sure the occupant is sitting steady. 

The Delta can the equipped with our swivel wheels which makes it much easier to maneuvre around indoor as you do not have to tilt the push chair to turn
Delta swivel front wheels attached for easy maneuvreablity on flat ground

Delta with Reclinable Back

The Delta Recline have a reclineablle back, which aloows your child to take a nap or just rest while outside, a Extended Canopy can be attached for sensitive children in need of a comfort zone

The Delta Jogger also comes in a different version with a recline back allowing the user to sleep and rest in a more laid back position. This push chair is often used by people who need a place to rest while outside and children with autism, as it functions as a comfort zone.

Electric Motor

The Delta Sitter can be equipped with a help engine making walking uphill easy. This is especially helpful with larger and heavier users in hilly terrain or caretakers not able to push the Jogger uphill. The help engine is mounted to the Jogger and can be removed when not needed and thus reduce the total weight. The control box of the engine has a forward and reverse direction with two speeds. The engine can be disengaged by raising the engine drag wheels from the ground. This is done with the feet pushing on pedal. Once the engine is disengaged it becomes easier to maneuver in tight spaces as shops. 

The Electric motor have two different batteries, one which is smaller and lighter for normal trips/walks, while the other is for longer trips and runs

Measure Chart

Description Medium Large X Large
Sitter size 2/3 4 5
Max user weight 50 kg 70 kg 90 kg
Product weight 14 kg 14 kg 16 kg

Measure Chart: Folded

Description Medium Large X Large
Length 88 cm 110 cm 112 cm
Width 56 cm 62 cm 68 cm
Heigth 24 cm 25 cm 30 cm


1 review for Delta Jogger for Sitter Seat

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  1. Michael Schaft

    Michael Schaft

    Wir haben den Sitter in Größe 2 nun seit einigen Wochen in Benutzung und sind begeistert. Unser Sohn, 2 Jahre, kann nicht alleine sitzen. Dank des Sitters sitzt er mit uns am Tisch. Wir nutzen den Sitter als Alternative zum sperrigen unhandlichen Therapiestuhl, auf Reisen, für Besuche bei Oma und Opa etc. Die Handhabung ist einfach, der Sitter kann sicher auf jedem Stuhl montiert werden. Eine geniale Erfindung. Endlich mal ein Hilfsmittel, das nicht “typisch behindert” aussieht. Wir haben zudem einen Sitter inkl mobilem Untergestell aus Holz für die Kita gekauft. Auch hier ist es ein voller Erfolg. Unser Sohn ist super integriert und kann auf Augenhöhe der anderen Kinder am kita Leben teilhaben. Danke für die kompetente Beratung!

    Google Translated

    We have the sitter in size 2 now in use for several weeks and are thrilled. Our son, 2 years, can not sit alone. Thanks to the sitters, he sits with us at the table. We use the sitter as an alternative to the bulky unwieldy therapy chair, on trips, for visits to grandma and grandpa etc. The handling is simple, the sitter can be safely mounted on every chair. A brilliant invention. Finally an aid that does not look “typically handicapped”. We have also bought a sitter incl mobile wooden frame for the day care center. Again, it is a complete success. Our son is super integrated and can share in the kita life at eye level of the other children. Thank you for the competent advice!

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