Sitter Seat with Floor Base

(2 customer reviews)

540,00785,00 excl. VAT

The Sitter Seat is soft to the touch, contoured and equipped with a harness system. It is lightweight and easy to clean and often used by parents to bring along to restaurants, weekends and travel as it simply straps onto a regular chair. It is ideal for use at home as well as in schools and kindergartens, or in places where you cannot bring a wheelchair or a heavy seating system. The FloorBase accept Sitter size 1, 2 and 3.

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Soft Touch Cushions

The Sitter seat with Floor Base is made from flexible Soft Touch material for comfort and protection of the user. The Sitter Seat comes in 5 sizes from child to adulthood. The Special Tomato™ Multi-Positioning Seat has been designed to offer comfortable and proper positioning support. Designed for use at home, school, and anywhere else your child’s busy lifestyle takes them. The soft, lightweight, and durable modular seating surface cushions allow for individualized adjustment. Seating surface modules are soft for comfort and is supported by the seat shell to maintain position. Cushions are made from a new latex-free material that is not only soft, but is tough and durable to withstand deflating, cracking, and is impermeable to fluids.

Product Highlights

  • Contoured Soft Touch Seat including a 5-point Harness 
  • Integrated straps for secure attachment to standard chairs 
  • Contoured seat for better positioning 
  • Contoured integrated side supports 
  • Contoured integrated head support 
  • Contoured integrated pommel/abduction 
  • The Special Tomato products contain NO Phthalates 
  • Latex free material 
  • Peel- and tear-resistant and impermeable to fluids 
  • Withstand cracking 
  • Anti-microbial agent 
  • Cleans easily with common disinfectants 
Sitter Seat with a floor base makes it easy for the user to participate in all kinds of activities weather its at the school, home or at institutions etc.

Product Features / Flexibility

The Floor base alllows the Sitter Seat to be tilted in the needed position of your child, as this pictures shows the various angels the Seat can be mounted on the Base
  • Angle adjustable seat 
  • The lightweight seat makes it easy to bring outside the home 
  • A perfect complimentary seat to a Seating System 
  • Provides freedom for parents, when Sitter Seat is secured to the chair next to the parent 
  • Provides social interaction for the child by participating at the dinner table

Product Multiple Usage

The sitter Seat is a very hygiene as it can be cleaned with normal disinfectant wipes, it also fit to a regular chair which makes it perfect for traveling or going to a restaurant as it will adapt to the chair there with the two simple straps

Sitter Seat on a regular chair

The EIO Push Chair is able to fit a size 1 and 2 sitter seat which will make the ride extra comfortable for the user

Sitter Seat in an EIO Push Chair

The Jooger Push chair is able to fit a size 1 and 2 sitter seat which will make it a extra comfortale ride for your child

Sitter Seat in a Jogger Push Chair

the delta jogger can be fitted with a sitter canvas which makes it possible to fit a sitter seat into the push chair and bring it along outdoor

Sitter Seat in a Delta Jogger

Product Upgrade

Stationary Base

The Sitter Seat can like the floor base be mounted in differnt angels to make sure your child sits in the most comfortable position,Aqua, Blue, Terquish

Our Stationary Base is fitted with a gliding kit to prevent a scuffed floor
Our Small Base fits Sitter size 1-3
Our Large Base fits Sitter size 4-5

Mobile Base

The Sitter Seat can like the floor base be mounted in differnt angels to make sure your child sits in the most comfortable position

Our Mobile Base can be suited with our Sitter size 1-5
Our Small Base fits Sitter Seat size 1-3
Our Large Base fits Sitter Seat size 4-5
The Mobile Base is easy to manoeuvre on a plan level

Special Tomato Soft Touch Sitter measurements

Description Size 1 Size 2 Size 3 Size 4 Size 5
User target group 1-3 years 3-6 years 6-9 years 9-14 years 13 and up
User weight, max 9-18 kg
(Ibs 20-40)
13-27 kg
(Ibs 29-60)
18-36 kg
(Ibs 40-80)
22-50 kg
(Ibs 48-111)
40-90 kg
(Ibs 88-200)
User target height 75-100 cm
87-120 cm
100-140 cm
125-162 cm
135-185 cm
Seat width  20 cm (8″) 25 cm (10″) 30 cm (12″) 35 cm (14″) 40 cm (16″)
Seat depth 17,5 cm (7″) 23,5 cm (9″) 28,5 cm (11″) 33,5 cm (13″) 40 cm (16″)
Seat back height 52,5 cm (21″) 65 cm (25″) 72,5 cm (28″) 82,5 cm (32″) 97,5 cm (38″)
Overall seat width  30 cm (12″) 35 cm (14″) 40 cm (16″) 45 cm (18″) 50 cm (20″)
Overall seat depth 30 cm (12″) 35 cm (14″) 40 cm (16″) 47,5 cm (19″) 52,5 cm (21″)
Overall seat height  62,5 cm (25″) 72,5 cm (29″) 85 cm (33″) 95 cm (37″) 110 cm (43″)
Weight of seat 2,7 kg (lbs 6) 4,5 kg (lbs 10) 5,9 kg (lbs 13) 7,25 kg (lbs 16) 8,6 kg (lbs 19)


2 reviews for Sitter Seat with Floor Base

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  1. Lise Rissbjerg



    Vi har for nylig købt dette sæde til vores 3-årige multihandicappede søn og synes at den fungerer perfekt i forskellige situationer. Den største succes har vi haft med at sætte den i en cykeltrailer – han nyder at være med ude at cykle! – og det havde vi ellers opgivet at kunne. Den er også dejlig nem at have med på restaurant eller på besøg hos venner. Derudover har vi planer om at bruge den i flyet næste gang vi skal ud at flyve. Og vi planlægger også at få lavet et lille bord, så han kan sidde på gulvet/jorden og lege. Alt i alt er vi rigtig glade for dette sæde!

    Ikke autoriseret køre/flysæde

    Google Translated 

    We recently purchased this seat for our 3-year-old multi-handicapped son and think it works perfectly in different situations. We have had the greatest success in putting it in a bicycle trailer – he enjoys being out cycling! – and we would otherwise have given up being able to. It is also nice and easy to take to a restaurant or visit friends. In addition, we plan to use it on the plane the next time we go out flying. And we also plan to make a small table so he can sit on the floor / ground and play. All in all, we are really happy with this seat!

    Unauthorized driving / flying seat

  2. Guido Wissmann

    Guido Wissmann, Tyskland
    Wir kommen aus Deutschland und haben uns den Sitz zugelegt, damit wir auch mobil die Möglichkeit unser Kind bequem auf jedem x beliebigen Stuhl oder auf der mit gekauften Bodenplatte setzen zu können. So ist unsere Tochter nun auch immer mitten drin, auch wenn wir zu Besuch sind. So müssen wir nicht immer den schweren Rehastuhl oder Reha Kinderwagen mit nehmen. Die Verarbeitung ist TOP, leicht abwaschbar. Durch die 5 jährige Garantie mache ich mir keine Sorgen. Zudem ist der Service von Globalcarehab großartig der so seines gleichen sucht. Wir werden diesen Stuhl nun mit Freude nutzen und kaufen eines Tages auch bestimmt die Nachfolgergröße. Fazit: Für Kinder mit Einschränkungen defenitiv empfehlenswert.
    Google Translated
    We are from Germany and have gained our seat, so that we can also mobilize the possibility our child comfortably to be able to sit on any x chair or on the floor panel purchased. So our daughter is always in the middle of it, even when we are visiting. So we do not always have to take the heavy rehab chair or rehab buggy. The workmanship is TOP, easy to wash off. Made by the 5-year warranty I’m not worried. In addition, the service of Globalcarehab is great looking for its equal. We will use this chair now with pleasure and one day will definitely buy the successor size. Conclusion: Definitively recommended for children with restrictions.
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